I regularly schedule date nights that focus on shared experiences.
I clearly express my need for alone time to my partner.
I make it a habit to schedule a regular 'relationship check-in' with my partner, where we discuss how we're feeling, any concerns we might have, and what we need from each other.
I often find myself texting or calling my partner frequently to check on their whereabouts and who they're with.
When conflicts come up, I stay calm and take time to talk openly with my partner.
I work with my partner to identify and implement practical solutions to our relationship challenges.
Even when my partner spends weekends out with friends, I feel secure because we discuss our weekend plans in advance.
I make sure to set aside time each week for a focused conversation with my partner where we actively listen to each other without interruptions.
My partner and I have goals for our future, such as planning a vacation that we both want to take or saving up to buy a home.
I make decisions that balance both of our individual needs and our shared goals.
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